JavaScript Tutorial for beginners
JavaScript (often abbreviated as JS) is an Object oriented programming language that contains many in-built functions and best known as scripting language. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and it is also multi-paradigm. It has curly bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions.
JavaScript is a part of web development course which helps you to do all operations which does not require server ie. client side coding. However if you want to become a perfect web developer then you must also learn server side coding such as PHP or .NET etc. JavaScript is the most popular script available in the developers world now. As it is the by product of java, it has many functionalities and in-built functions present in java. Thus it is very easy for developers to remember javascript in-built functions as most of them come from main java. To learn more about JavaScript, connect me on facebook or youtube from below links. You can also purchase courses which appear at right side of your screen to become perfect web developer.
DigitalRakshith mainly concentrates on coding related to web designing like html, css, JavaScript, angular, php, mysql etc. However i also teach C language, C++ language as basic coding knowledge is essential to understand web design coding. In this free javascript demo video i have explained how to implement javascript code into html file.
There are two ways to implement JavaScript code in html file:
a) Internal JavaScript b) External JavaScript