how to remove woocommerce checkout page fields

HOW TO REMOVE CHECKOUT PAGE FIELDS - WOOCOMMERCE WooCommerce is one of the most popular plugin to create E-commerce websites in WordPress. Once you install WooCommerce plugin in WordPress, you will get all the necessary options to build your e-commerce websites such as Cart Page, Checkout Page, Shop Page etc by default.  Default Checkout page provided by WooCommerce would ask many details from customers like First Name, Last Name, Address, Company, Phone Number, Zipcode etc before making a final purchase. But when you are selling Digital Products you may not want all these details…

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SEO Tutorials

SEO - Google Search Console Tutorial INTRODUCTION SEO which is often abbreviated as Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of your products or websites online and increase traffic to generate sales. In this video i have explained one of the SEO tools called "Google Search Console" which is mainly used to crawl your web pages in Google search engines. I have also showed in the video how to integrate WordPress sitemaps with Google Search Consoles. If you want to be an expert in SEO and wants to learn all the tools,…

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WordPress Tutorials

WordPress Tutorial - Introduction to WordPress by Digital Rakshith INTRODUCTION WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world. It is the great idea to install WordPress in Localhost and design wesbsite then upload in live server hosting. Because you can't design a website overnight. It takes some time for content writing and information gathering. Hence it is always a good practice to design website offline completely then make it online once you are ok with your design and content.

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Php Tutorials

PHP Tutorial: How to insert data into mysql backend using php INTRODUCTION PHP is the most popular server side scripting language which is widely used across the world. PHP coding is mainly used to deal with server operations such as saving data onto server, extracting data from server and other server side operations. This video does not contain the first lesson of PHP, it contains the lesson where i have explained how to save data onto backend mysql using PHP. If you want to learn full PHP, enroll my course "Complete Web Development Online Course"…

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JavaScript Tutorials

JavaScript Tutorial for beginners INTRODUCTION JavaScript (often abbreviated as JS) is an Object oriented programming language that contains many in-built functions and best known as scripting language. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and it is also multi-paradigm. It has curly bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions. JavaScript is a part of web development course which helps you to do all operations which does not require server ie. client side coding. However if you want to become a perfect web developer then you must also learn server side coding such as…

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CSS Tutorials

CSS Tutorial for beginners INTRODUCTION CSS styles are very important while creating a web page.  CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) gives styles for all HTML elements. Your web application appears lifeless without CSS styles. Hence it is very important for a web designer to learn CSS styles and animation. Take my full CSS course to learn all techniques in CSS. click here to Learn complete CSS course with DigitalRakshith Hi, i provide complete online css training for both beginners and coders. i have designed 5 modules for complete css course which covers all css effects…

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HTML Tutorials

HTML INTRODUCTION Hi. in this blog i will provide a free demo video explaining about introduction of HTML. And also i will explain how to start with HTML elements, and how to write tags and attributes of HTML.  I recommend you to purchase my HTML online course to become expert in HTML. If you are looking for full fledged web designing course, then Enroll-Course from menu tab and get access to my Learning Management System (LMS) where you will undergo online classes with lessons, videos, live sessions, exams and finally you will receive course completion…

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Web Design Tutorials

Web Design Tutorial - By Digital Rakshith Hi! i am a web developer and online tutor for all web technologies and Digital Marketing Tools as Digital Marketing is the integral part of web designing. I have provided many free videos explaining topics of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, MYSQL, SEO, SMM, PPC in my YouTube channel and my Facebook page. If you want to be a proper web developer or digital marketer, then enroll for my courses which i offered for the lowest price in ENROLL-COURSE tab.  Web Design refers to designing websites that are displayed…

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How to work in WordPress Offline

How to install WordPress on Localhost for offline use - by Digital Rakshith INTRODUCTION WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world. It is the great idea to install WordPress in Localhost and design wesbsite then upload in live server hosting. Because you can't design a website overnight. It takes some time for content writing and information gathering. Hence it is always a good practice to design website offline completely then make it online once you are ok with your design and content. Step1 : Download WordPress folder on your computer…

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